
School Bullying. The anti-bullying training site.


The 3D simulation game is based on real-life situations and functions as a role-play where users have to find solutions and decide how to act in several situations related to bullying and xenophobia. The game therefore enables the learning of values and promoting critical thinking towards prejudices, stereotypes and ethnicity-targeted violence.

There are 6 avaliable scenarios. You can download each and play them separately (around 200 MB each), you can download them all together. Once downloaded, you must decompress the files with Winrar (compressor program)

Download all in all languages (6 GB)
1. Traditional Bullying Download
2. Physical Bullying Download
3. Verbal Bullying Download
4. Everyday racism, humour and violence Download
5. Bullying to Extort Bad Behaviour Download
6. Cyberbulling Download
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.